label: Motion brief: Settings for motion and motor control. category: [ wip ] tags: [ motion ] pagetype: toc author: thinkyhead
- name: DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT type: float since: 1.0.0 brief: Default steps per unit for all axes. long: The default steps per unit for all axes. This is used to calculate the number of steps needed to move the axis a given distance. example:
- value: “{ 80, 80, 400, 500 }”
name: EDITABLE_STEPS_PER_UNI since: 2.1.3 brief: Editable the steps per unit. long: Add a G-code and menu items to edit axis steps per unit. Disable to save some memory.
- name: DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE type: float since: 1.0.0 brief: Default maximum feedrate for all axes. long: The default maximum feedrate for all axes. This is used to calculate the maximum speed for each axis. example:
- value: 200
- name: DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION type: float since: 1.0.0 brief: Default maximum acceleration for all axes. long: The default maximum acceleration for all axes. This is used to calculate the maximum speed for each axis. example:
- value: 200
- name: DEFAULT_ACCELERATION type: float since: 1.0.0 brief: Default acceleration for all axes. long: The default acceleration for all axes. This is used to calculate the maximum speed for each axis. example:
- value: 200
- name: CLASSIC_JERK since: 1.1.9 brief: Use Classic Jerk acceleration for all axes. long: Classic Jerk limits acceleration on a per-axis basis and is suitable for most machines and is the default for all machines except for CoreXY printers.