thinkyhead thisiskeithb

M665 - Delta Configuration

none Set delta geometry values DELTA


Delta machines are very fast and accurate when tuned. The first key is to make sure all your dimensions are set correctly. Even small errors in these values can lead to curved movements and failed prints. To ensure the best delta experience, use this command in conjunction with G33 to get these dimensions set perfectly before beginning to print.


M665 [A<float>] [B<float>] [C<float>] [H<linear>] [L<linear>] [R<linear>] [S<float>] [X<float>] [Y<float>] [Z<float>]



Alpha (Tower 1) diagonal rod trim


    Beta (Tower 2) diagonal rod trim


      Gamma (Tower 3) diagonal rod trim


        Delta height


          Diagonal rod


            Delta radius


              Segments per second


                Alpha (Tower 1) angle trim


                  Beta (Tower 2) angle trim


                    Gamma (Tower 3) angle trim