shitcreek Hans007a thinkyhead

G61 - Return to Saved Position

motion Return to saved position of specified slot SAVED_POSITIONS


Use this command to move to (restore) a saved position. By default this will restore all axes. If you need to apply an offset to an axis or limit the move to only some axes, include one or more axis names. Apply an offset to an axis by including a distance after the axis letter (in current units).


Restoring an empty slot does nothing.

Since Marlin 2.1.3 the command G61 S<slot> is the same as G60 Q<slot>


G61 [E[offset]] [F<rate>] [S<slot>] [X[offset]] [Y[offset]] [Z[offset]]



Restore the E axis (with optional offset). The extruder will not be moved.


    Requested feedrate. (Actual feedrate may be limited.)


      Memory slot (0 if omitted)


        Restore the X axis (with optional offset).


          Restore the Y axis (with optional offset).


            Restore the Z axis (with optional offset).


              Move to the position in slot 2

              G61 S2

              Move to the XY position in slot 0

              G61 S0 XY

              Move to the XYZE position in slot 4, with Y offset by 50mm

              G61 S4 X Y50 Z E