
M808 - Repeat Marker

2.0.8 none Set or go to a marker for looping G-code GCODE_REPEAT_MARKERS


The Repeat Marker command is used to define regions of a G-code file that will be repeated during SD printing. A marker is first set with M808 L[count], and later in the file a plain M808 command is used count down and loop. (By default up to 10 start markers can be nested.)

In slicer software put M808 L to the “Start G-code” and M808 to the “End G-code.” But this command is not the only requirement. Before starting each whole object it’s important to actually clear the print area of obstacles and to reset the coordinate system with G92 or G28, so this command is best used with belt printers or other systems with automatic print removal.


Repeat markers can only be used for SD printing.


M808 [L<count>]



Loop counter. Use L or L0 for an infinite loop.


    Say “Hello World” 5 times

    M808 L5
    M118 Hello World