automatically loads the measured backlash into the backlash distance, but will not enable backlash compensation.
- G0-G1: Linear Move
- G2-G3: Arc or Circle Move
- G4: Dwell
- G5: Bézier Cubic Spline
- G6: Direct Stepper Move
- G10: Retract
- G11: Recover
- G12: Clean the Nozzle
- G17-G19: CNC Workspace Planes
- G20: Inch Units
- G21: Millimeter Units
- G26: Mesh Validation Pattern
- G27: Park toolhead
- G28: Auto Home
- G29: Bed Leveling
- G29: Bed Leveling (3-Point)
- G29: Bed Leveling (Linear)
- G29: Bed Leveling (Manual)
- G29: Bed Leveling (Bilinear)
- G29: Bed Leveling (Unified)
- G30: Single Z-Probe
- G31: Dock Sled
- G32: Undock Sled
- G33: Delta Auto Calibration
- G34: Z Steppers Auto-Alignment
- G34: Mechanical Gantry Calibration
- G35: Tramming Assistant
- G38.2-G38.5: Probe target
- G42: Move to mesh coordinate
- G53: Move in Machine Coordinates
- G54-G59.3: Workspace Coordinate System
- G60: Stored Positions
- G61: Return to Saved Position
- G76: Probe temperature calibration
- G80: Cancel Current Motion Mode
- G90: Absolute Positioning
- G91: Relative Positioning
- G92: Set Position
- G425: Backlash Calibration
- M0-M1: Unconditional stop
- M3: Spindle CW / Laser On
- M4: Spindle CCW / Laser On
- M5: Spindle / Laser Off
- M7-M9: Coolant Controls
- M10-M11: Vacuum / Blower Control
- M16: Expected Printer Check
- M17: Enable Steppers
- M18, M84: Disable steppers
- M20: List SD Card
- M21: Init SD card
- M22: Release SD card
- M23: Select SD file
- M24: Start or Resume SD print
- M25: Pause SD print
- M26: Set SD position
- M27: Report SD print status
- M28: Start SD write
- M29: Stop SD write
- M30: Delete SD file
- M31: Report Print Time
- M32: Select and Start
- M33: Get Long Path
- M34: SDCard Sorting
- M42: Set Pin State
- M43: Debug Pins
- M43 T: Toggle Pins
- M48: Probe Repeatability Test
- M73: Set Print Progress
- M75: Start Print Job Timer
- M76: Pause Print Job Timer
- M77: Stop Print Job Timer
- M78: Print Job Stats
- M80: Power On
- M81: Power Off
- M82: E Absolute
- M83: E Relative
- M85: Inactivity Shutdown
- M86: Hotend Idle Timeout
- M87: Disable Hotend Idle Timeout
- M92: Set Axis Steps-per-unit
- M100: Free Memory
- M102: Configure Bed Distance Sensor
- M104: Set Hotend Temperature
- M105: Report Temperatures
- M106: Set Fan Speed
- M107: Fan Off
- M108: Break and Continue
- M109: Wait for Hotend Temperature
- M110: Set / Get Line Number
- M111: Debug Level
- M112: Full Shutdown
- M113: Host Keepalive
- M114: Get Current Position
- M115: Firmware Info
- M117: Set LCD Message
- M118: Serial print
- M119: Endstop States
- M120: Enable Endstops
- M121: Disable Endstops
- M122: TMC Debugging
- M123: Fan Tachometers
- M125: Park Head
- M126: Baricuda 1 Open
- M127: Baricuda 1 Close
- M128: Baricuda 2 Open
- M129: Baricuda 2 Close
- M140: Set Bed Temperature
- M141: Set Chamber Temperature
- M143: Set Laser Cooler Temperature
- M145: Set Material Preset
- M149: Temperature Units
- M150: Set RGB(W) Color
- M154: Position Auto-Report
- M155: Temperature Auto-Report
- M163: Set Mix Factor
- M164: Save Mix
- M165: Set Mix
- M166: Gradient Mix
- M190: Wait for Bed Temperature
- M191: Wait for Chamber Temperature
- M192: Wait for Probe temperature
- M193: Wait For Laser Cooler Temperature
- M200: Volumetric Extrusion Diameter
- M201: Print / Travel Move Limits
- M203: Set Max Feedrate
- M204: Set Starting Acceleration
- M205: Set Advanced Settings
- M206: Set Home Offsets
- M207: Firmware Retraction Settings
- M208: Firmware Recover Settings
- M209: Set Auto Retract
- M210: Homing Feedrate
- M211: Software Endstops
- M217: Filament swap parameters
- M218: Set Hotend Offset
- M220: Set Feedrate Percentage
- M221: Set Flow Percentage
- M226: Wait for Pin State
- M240: Trigger Camera
- M250: LCD Contrast
- M255: LCD Sleep/Backlight Timeout
- M256: LCD Brightness
- M260: I2C Send
- M261: I2C Request
- M280: Servo Position
- M281: Edit Servo Angles
- M282: Detach Servo
- M290: Babystep
- M300: Play Tone
- M301: Set Hotend PID
- M302: Cold Extrude
- M303: PID autotune
- M304: Set Bed PID
- M305: User Thermistor Parameters
- M306: Model Predictive Temp. Control
- M350: Set micro-stepping
- M351: Set Microstep Pins
- M355: Case Light Control
- M360: SCARA Theta A
- M361: SCARA Theta-B
- M362: SCARA Psi-A
- M363: SCARA Psi-B
- M364: SCARA Psi-C
- M380: Activate Solenoid
- M381: Deactivate Solenoids
- M400: Finish Moves
- M401: Deploy Probe
- M402: Stow Probe
- M403: MMU2 Filament Type
- M404: Filament Width Sensor Nominal Diameter
- M405: Filament Width Sensor On
- M406: Filament Width Sensor Off
- M407: Read Filament Width
- M410: Quickstop
- M412: Filament Runout
- M413: Power-loss Recovery
- M420: Bed Leveling State
- M421: Set Mesh Value
- M422: Set Z Motor XY
- M423: X Twist Compensation
- M425: Backlash compensation
- M428: Home Offsets Here
- M430: Power Monitor
- M486: Cancel Objects
- M493: Fixed-Time Motion
- M500: Save Settings
- M501: Restore Settings
- M502: Factory Reset
- M503: Report Settings
- M504: Validate EEPROM contents
- M510: Lock Machine
- M511: Unlock Machine
- M512: Set Passcode
- M524: Abort SD print
- M540: Endstops Abort SD
- M569: Set TMC stepping mode
- M575: Serial baud rate
- M592: Nonlinear Extrusion Control
- M593: ZV Input Shaping
- M600: Filament Change
- M603: Configure Filament Change
- M605: Multi Nozzle Mode
- M665: Delta Configuration
- M665: SCARA Configuration
- M666: Set Delta endstop adjustments
- M666: Set dual endstop offsets
- M672: Duet Smart Effector sensitivity
- M701: Load filament
- M702: Unload filament
- M710: Controller Fan settings
- M808: Repeat Marker
- M810-M819: G-code macros
- M820: Report G-code macros
- M851: XYZ Probe Offset
- M852: Bed Skew Compensation
- M860-M869: I2C Position Encoders
- M871: Probe temperature config
- M876: Handle Prompt Response
- M900: Linear Advance Factor
- M906: Stepper Motor Current
- M907: Trimpot Stepper Motor Current
- M908: Set Trimpot Pins
- M909: Report DAC Stepper Current
- M910: Commit DAC to EEPROM
- M911: TMC OT Pre-Warn Condition
- M912: Clear TMC OT Pre-Warn
- M913: Set Hybrid Threshold Speed
- M914: TMC Bump Sensitivity
- M915: TMC Z axis calibration
- M916: L6474 Thermal Warning Test
- M917: L6474 Overcurrent Warning Test
- M918: L6474 Speed Warning Test
- M919: TMC Chopper Timing
- M928: Start SD Logging
- M951: Magnetic Parking Extruder
- M993: Back up flash settings to SD
- M994: Restore flash from SD
- M995: Touch Screen Calibration
- M997: Firmware update
- M999: STOP Restart
- M7219: MAX7219 Control
- T0-T7: Select or Report Tool
- T?-Tx: MMU2 Special Commands
Backlash compensation will add extra steps to one or more segments whenever a motor reverses direction.
By default, steps are added to the first segment after a direction change. This gives the best dimensional accuracy but may cause marks to appear in the print. Smoothing spreads the added steps over multiple consecutive segments to prevent blemishes in the print, at the expense of dimensional accuracy.
Backlash compensation can be configured at either compile-time or run-time. Enable BACKLASH_GCODE
to turn on M425
and a “Backlash” menu item.
Backlash can be measured automatically on all axes with G425
or on Z only with G29
is enabled.
and the following parameters:
specifies the default backlash on the X, Y and Z axis. -
specifies the default backlash correction (0.0 = none; 1.0 = 100%). -
enables backlash smoothing over a specified distance. -
for run-time tuning of backlash. -
turns on Z backlash measurement when probing withG29
. - Use
to configureG29
backlash measurement.
M425 [F<value>] [S<linear>] [X<linear>] [Y<linear>] [Z<linear>] [Z]
[F<value>] | Enable or disables backlash correction, or sets an intermediate fade-out (0.0 = none; 1.0 = 100%) |
[S<linear>] | Distance over which backlash correction is spread |
[X<linear>] | Set the backlash distance on X (mm; 0 to disable) |
[Y<linear>] | Set the backlash distance on Y (mm; 0 to disable) |
[Z<linear>] | Set the backlash distance on Z (mm; 0 to disable) |
[Z] | When |
Manually configure backlash compensation:
M425 X0.1 Y0.2 Z0.3 ; Set backlash to specific values for all axis
M425 F1 ; Enable backlash compensation at 100%
Use smoothing for best print surface quality:
M425 F1 S3
Use no smoothing for best dimensional accuracy:
M425 F1 S0
Automatically measure X, Y, and Z backlash using G425
G425 ; Perform a full calibration
M425 F1 ; Use full measured value of backlash on X, Y and Z
To automatically measure Z backlash when probing with MEASURE_BACKLASH_WHEN_PROBING
G29 ; Perform probe and measure backlash on Z
M425 F1 Z ; Use full measured value of backlash on Z
measures backlash, but does not update the configured backlash distance. The measured value should be activated by using the Z
argument without a value. This differs from the behavior of G425
Report the current backlash configuration: